
• hamisítványt készít: to counterfeit
• átrajzol: to trace
Tim let Johnny copy his homework. = Tim megengedte Johnny-nak, hogy lemásolja a leckéjét.

másol jelentése kifejezésekben

• to pounce
• reproductive, tracer
• carbon, counterpart, ditto, ditto, dittoes, doublet, duplicate, duplication, engrossment, replica, reproduction, tally, transcript
• copier, copy machine, copying machine, photocopier
• profile machine
• sheath
• carbon, flimsy, onion-skin
• tracer
• I certify this a true copy
• to ditto, to exemplify
• to sheathe
• to copy out
• to copy, to engross, to reproduce, to transcribe, to write out
• to trace, to transfer
• to xerox
• engrossment
• transcription, transfer
• copier, photocopier
• carbon printing, carbon process
• superimposed title
• key cutting