
Three squirrels skulked on that tree. = Három mókus lapult azon a fán.

lapít jelentése kifejezésekben

• to sneak to sy
• reduced
• to base, to endow, to establish, to found, to institute, to set up, to start
• establishment, formation, institution
• to flatten, to plate, to squash
• attenuative, balmy, bland, depressant, mitigative, soothing
• charter member
• alleviation, sedation
• co-founder, cofounder
• set
• endowment
• depressant
• timing
• to time
• to take cognizance of sg
• to price, to prise, to valorize
• to pre-ordain, to preordain
• to take the stuffing out of sy
• damper
• findings
• damper, damper winding