
• pénzt költ: spend, expend, disburse, dispose
• tojást költ: hatch, brood
• ébreszt: wake up
• keveset költ: live sparingly, spend little
• kétmilliót költöttünk a házra: we spent two millions on our house, we spent two millions for our house
How much have they spent? = Mennyit költöttek?

költ jelentese magyarul

költ angolul

költ jelentése kifejezésekben

• to spend, spent
• to spend a mint on sg
• to throw good money after bad
• to throw good money after bad
• bard, bulbul, minstrel, poet, warbler
• inspired, poetic, poetical
• breed, brood, hatch, incubation, sitting, spending
• charge, cost, expenditure, expense, necessary, outlay
• piece of poetry
• spending money
• charges, expenses, necessary, outgoings, outlay
• costly, dear, expensive, sumptuous
• migratory
• nesting time
• flit, move
• poetical works
• account of expenses, statement of costs, statement of expenses
• poetic licence
• to sponsor
• legal aid
• to get up a subscription