
• szellem vagy rémkép: haunt
• kísérti a sorsot: tempt fate, tempt fortune, tempt providence
They are still haunting me. = Még mindig kísértenek engem.

kísért jelentese magyarul

kísért angolul

kísért jelentése kifejezésekben

• to tempt god
• exothermal, exothermic
• black squall
• black squall
• tempter
• apparition, bogey, boggle, bogle, bogy, ghost, phantasm, phantom, poltergeist, shadow, specter, spectre, spirit, spook, wraith
• temptation
• spooky
• spectral
• gaunt, ghostly, lurid, spectral, spookish, spooky, withered
• spookily
• spooky
• phantasmal
• spookiness
• as white as a ghost, as white as a sheet
• proof against temptation
• to tempt
• banshee
• vampire
• to walk
• proof against temptation