
My dad is completely bald. = Apukám teljesen kopasz.

kopasz jelentese magyarul

kopasz angolul

kopasz jelentése kifejezésekben

• baldhead
• baldheaded
• baldhead
• bald as a billiard ball, bald as a coot, bald as an egg
• bald as a coot
• to hair, to pick, to pluck, to shear, sheared, shorn
• baldly
• balder
• balding
• baldness
• peeled
• to give sy a close crop
• to bare
• bald as a billiard ball, bald as a coot, bald as an egg
• to pill
• to excise, to pluck, to skin, to strip
• baldest
• bald
• peeled
• to lose one's hair
• bald