
• exception
• A kivétel erősíti a szabályt.: Exception proves the rule.
• kivétel valamiből: leaving out, exclusion, omission, rejection

kivétel jelentese magyarul

kivétel angolul

kivétel jelentése kifejezésekben

• bar none, every time, one and all, without exception
• without exception
• exception of a rule, exception to a rule
• the exception proves the rule
• one and all
• all ranks, each and every
• exceptional, extreme, rare, unique
• exceptionally, extraordinarily, on rare occasions
• favoritism, favouritism
• except, excluding
• to except, to make an exception
• except
• extreme case
• tariff of exception
• on rare occasions
• all but one
• with few exceptions
• all but, except, excepting, excluding, to the exclusion of sg, with exception of
• present company excepted
• it allows of no exception
• all but he