
I've given out completely. = Teljesen kimerültem.

kimerül jelentese magyarul

kimerül angolul

kimerül jelentése kifejezésekben

• to go flat
• to peter out
• all-in, beat-up, beaten, deadbeat, distressed, effete, exhausted, heavy, impoverished, overwrought, played out, prostrate, run-down, spent, tired, to be all in, to be dead on one's feet, to be hacked, to be maxed out, to be zonked out, to feel run down, washed-out, weary, worn out, worn-out
• dead-beatness, depletion, distress, extenuation
• brain-fag, dead-beatness, debility, distress, fatigue, fatigue-fever, lassitude, prostration, weariness
• to pepper a claim
• distress
• brain-fag
• run
• run
• all-in, cooked
• to be worn out
• inanition
• to drop with fatigue
• to show sings of distress
• to show sings of distress