
• mentőket: call, call out, call an ambulance
• dacol: defy, disobey, go against
• veszélyt, sorsot: court, risk, invite, provoke
• versenyre: challenge, dare, provoke
• diákot felelni: test, quiz, ask somebody questions
• kártyát: play, lead
• küzdelemre: challenge
• kihívja a bajt: court disaster, court defeat
Call out Michael. = Hívd ki Michaelt.

kihív jelentése kifejezésekben

• to play
• to take on sy
• challenger, challenging, defiant, flaunting, flaunty, provocative, slinky
• to ask out
• challenge, defiance, provocation
• leer
• defiantly
• defiantly
• to ride for a fall
• to take on
• flourish
• to court danger
• flourish
• have a chip on one's shoulder
• to snort defiance at sy
• to take on
• to call sy's bluff
• the hat is in the ring