
• kézből: drop, let fall, let slip
• szót: pronounce, utter, articulate
• tisztán: enunciate
• tisztelettel ejtik ki a nevét: his name is uttered with respect
• a “méh” szóban a h-t nem ejtjük ki: the h is silent in “méh”
I was afraid to utter the name Ashlar. = Féltem kiejteni Ashlar nevét.

kiejt jelentese magyarul

kiejt angolul

kiejt jelentése kifejezésekben

• to sound
• articulation, enunciation, pronunciation, utterance
• pronouncable, pronounceable
• accent
• to aspirate
• unpronounceable
• brogue
• mispronunciation
• received pronunciation
• corruption
• nasality
• mispronunciation
• received pronunciation
• unutterable
• slur
• weak form
• speech correction
• cockneyism
• dog's letter
• to speak with sg of a foreign accent
• to speak with sg of a foreign accent