
Jackie opened the door, and what I first noticed about her was that she was full of grace. = Jackie kinyitotta az ajtót, és először az tűnt fel nekem, hogy ő maga volt a kellem.

kellem jelentése kifejezésekben

• ungraced
• affable, agreeable, bland, boon, comely, comfortable, delectable, engaging, fine, genial, glad, gracious, liquid, nice, palatable, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable, snug, soft, suave, sweet, welcome
• pleasing to the tooth
• blissful days
• fragrance
• a piece of cake, piece of cake
• euphonic
• fragrance
• nice and hot
• blissful days
• savory, savoury
• buzz
• annoyance, awkwardness, bother, botheration, chagrin, cross, discomfiture, encumbrance, fix, hot water, inconvenience, mess, nastiness, nuisance, pain, predicament, scrape, unpleasantness
• clubbable, clubby
• eurhythmy
• buzz
• bed of roses
• titillation
• cubbyhole
• personable
• sight for sore eyes