
• caste, class
• kasztok közötti házasság: intercaste marriage
He is above all castes. = Minden kaszt fölött áll.

kaszt jelentése kifejezésekben

• castorin
• emasculate, emasculated
• castration, emasculation
• untouchable
• untouchability
• outcaste
• to clip, to hole, to pierce, to punch
• to gibbet, to halter, to hang, to hang up, to hang, hung, to hook, to hook up, to scrag, to sling, slung, to truss up
• hollow punch, punch, puncher
• defaulter, embezzler, scrounge, scrounger
• to dehydrate
• oppressive, outrageous, sultry, sweltering
• to bolt sy up, to jug
• to prostrate
• to pop
• to bust
• gibbet
• board, gaming board, green table
• retainer ring, retaining ring
• butcher's spread
• embezzlement, misappropriation, scrounging