
The kidnapper demanded money. = A túszejtő pénzt követel.

követel jelentese magyarul

követel angolul

követel jelentése kifejezésekben

• to clamor for sg, to clamour for sg
• credit side, plus side
• to put the pot on
• to assert, to assume
• to vindicate
• to take toll
• debit and credit
• to claim support
• to dun
• to assert one's rights
• to be too exacting with sy
• to be hogging it
• to assert one's rights
• to be hogging it
• accounts receivable, assertion, claim, credit, demand, due, pretension, vindication
• exigent, pretentious, shrill
• demandable
• shrillness
• balance in hand
• verification of claims
• he paid pro rata to the debts owing to them