
My boss obliged me to work until 6 pm. = A főnököm kötelezett, hogy este 6-ig dolgozzam.

kötelez jelentese magyarul

kötelez angolul

kötelez jelentése kifejezésekben

• to obligate sy to do sg
• noblesse oblige
• to indenture
• to subpoena sy to appear
• binding, compulsory, mandatory, obligatory, regulatory
• bond, note, note of hand, stiff
• enforced rest
• to obligate
• to bind, bound
• without prejudice
• to bind oneself to sg, to engage oneself to do sg
• to covenant, to engage
• traffic goes this way
• collateral
• labor draft
• just to one's engagements
• conscription, selective service
• to fink out of sg
• minimum speed limit
• to exonerate from an obligation
• defaulter