
• fizikai értelemben: outside
• átvitt értelemben: valamin kívül: besides something, apart from something, beyond something
On the outside it's covered with plastic. = Kívül műanyaggal borított.

kívül jelentese magyarul

kívül angolul

kívül jelentése kifejezésekben

• outlying
• to be beyond the pale, to be outside the pale
• to be off one's beat
• aside from sg, beside, except, out of, outside of sg, short of, without
• out of doors, outdoors, without doors
• out of turn
• out of blast
• beyond this country
• to be out
• beyond reach of danger
• all but he
• to stay out all night
• out of reach of the guns
• to eat out, to take one's meals out of doors
• to by-pass, to leave out of consideration, to neglect, to pass by, to pass in
• to outlaw
• to fall into abeyance
• in abeyance
• other people beside yourselves
• negligible
• proclamation