
• valamire készül: prepare for
• készülés alatt van: be in the making
Judy's preparing for her exam. = Judy a vizsgájára készül.

készül jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be poised to do sg
• there is sg up
• to square, to square one's elbows, to square one's shoulders, to square up to sy
• to read for the bar
• to fit oneself for college
• ebulliometer, ebullioscope
• appliance, contraption, gear, gimmick, set
• work in progress
• retainer
• unfinished
• extemporal, extemporaneous
• interlocking device, obturator
• on the warpath
• home-made
• quickie, quicky
• home-made
• ringer
• ticker
• fire signal
• refiner
• wireless receiver