
Can you imagine? = El tudja képzelni?

képzel jelentese magyarul

képzel angolul

képzel jelentése kifejezésekben

• to get ideas into one's head
• fantastic, fictional, fictitious, hypothetical, imaginary, mythical, notional, visionary
• fancy, fantasy, imagination
• visionary
• notional
• fantasy, imaginings, phantasm
• figment, myth
• phantasmagoric
• imaginary
• myth
• lion in the path, lion in the way
• imaginary
• imaginative
• rovings of fancy
• unreality
• put yourself in my place
• to draw on one's imagination
• bumptious, cocky, conceited, confident, high and mighty, overweening, self-confident, self-important, smarty, snooty, stuck-up, swollen-headed, to think too much of oneself, vainglorious
• imaginary, imaginative
• cast, conception, fancy, idea, image, notion, theory, visualization
• conceivable, thinkable