
• megoldás: convenient
I find this chair comfortable. = Nekem kényelmes ez a szék.

kényelmes jelentese magyarul

kényelmes angolul

kényelmes jelentése kifejezésekben

• action-swing sleeve
• life of ease
• sinecure
• paddle
• sinecure
• at an easy pace
• at an easy pace
• snug, snuggery
• coat of an easy fit
• to tool
• to tool
• to travel by easy stages
• to pull easy
• this is a great convenience
• at an easy pace, cozily, leisurely, snugly, under easy sail, with ease
• ease
• to write at ease
• to paddle, to row at the paddle, to row slack
• to nestle
• to toddle
• do you feel all right?