
• jogtudomány, joggyakorlat: law
• valakinek joga: right
I have the right to say out what I think. = Jogom van kimondani, amit gondolok.

jog jelentese magyarul

jog angolul

jog jelentése kifejezésekben

• stage right
• option
• fishery
• common right, right of common
• right of coinage
• common of pasturage, common of pasture
• birthright
• inheritableness
• all rights reserved
• eminent domain
• mace, poker, scepter, sceptre
• legal
• rights
• just, justifiable, legal, legitimate, right, righteous, rightful
• to qualify
• fiction of law, legal fiction
• legal claim
• fiction of law, legal fiction
• remainder
• legal adviser
• have the right to sg, he has right to, to be entitled to sg