
• tárgyat, gépet, autót: repair, mend, put in repair
• dolgozatot, hibát: correct
• tudást, nyelvi szintet: ameliorate, improve, better
• ruhát : piece up
• kéziratot: vet
• retusál: touch up, retouch
• cipőt: cobble
I had my car repaired last week. = Múlt héten megjavíttattam az autóm.
I need to piece up this dress for the party. = A party-ig meg kell javítanom a ruhát.

javít jelentese magyarul

javít angolul

javít jelentése kifejezésekben

• to break a record
• to marl
• to break a record
• to correct a test, to correct essays, to correct exercises, to correct papers, to grade papers, to mark essays, to mark exercises, to mark papers
• corrective, remedial, repairer, repairman, repairmen
• amelioration, amendment, correction, darn, doing-up, enrichment, fix, improvement, rectification, repair, reparation
• doing-up, repairs
• retouch
• to put in repair
• repair shop
• mend
• house of correction, penitentiary, reformatory
• revision
• repairs
• to be under repair
• to shop
• stiff
• corrective training
• to beef up, to grade up, to upgrade
• to ameliorate, to amend, to fix, to fix up, to improve, to mend, to put in repair, to put right, to refit, to reform, to repair, to set right
• mend, refit, repair, reparation