Az ivó a címszó ragozott alakja.


• pot, swig
• részeg: booze, tipple
• inni ad valakinek: give somebody something to drink
• iszik, mint a gödény: drink like a fish
• hanem erre iszunk egyet!: this calls for a drink
• teát iszik: have tea, take tea
• csak úgy itta a szavait: she listened eagerly to every word of his
I never drink when I drive. = Sosem iszom, amikor vezetek.

ivó jelentése kifejezésekben

• hard drinker, heavy drinker
• drinking-fountain, fountain
• gourd
• drinking water, drinking-water, water
• drinking horn
• convive
• tumbler
• gourd
• wet canteen
• convive
• water tank
• to drink the waters, to take the waters
• keg
• scuttlebutt
• to take in a supply of water
• to make water, to take in water
• cantankerous, squabbling
• dairy
• to bicker, to contend, to jar, to squabble
• bickering, jangle, spat, squabble, unpleasantness
• nagging