Az ismeri a címszó ragozott alakja.

ismeri jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be in the swim, to know the ropes, to know what's what
• have inside information
• to know the ropes
• to know sg through and through
• to know the inside of an affair
• no one knows his whereabouts
• to concede that
• to find one's bearings, to find one's way about, to get one's bearings, to know one's way about
• to stand corrected
• to find oneself
• to hand it to sy
• to stand corrected
• to be reputed as sg
• to plead guilty
• to take in the situation
• to get sy's number, to take sy's number
• to misread sy's feelings
• to be famous all over the world
• to meet one's fate
• to be famous all the world over
• to take off one's hat to sy