
• twin, double

iker jelentése kifejezésekben

• triplet
• twin
• double bed
• twin beds
• siamesed pipes
• go, hit, show, success
• failure, miscarriage, wash-out
• autumn crocus
• auspiciously, successfully, with flying colors
• to catch on, to click, to come across, to get across, to make a hit, to strike oil, to take on, to take, took, taken
• unprosperous
• to bring home the bacon, to make a go, to make a hit
• reverberating success
• assured success
• to get there, to get there with both feet, to make it, to succeed, to succeed in doing sg
• sure-fire
• wash-out, water haul
• inevitable, necessary
• to fare ill, to go wrong, to miss
• paddle
• that's half the battle