
• valaminek a meglétét, érvényességét; bizonyít: verify, confirm, certify, affirm, attest
• valaminek az átvételét: acknowledge
• valaminek az érvényességét: authenticitate
• megvéd (álláspontot): defend, prove
Results verify the hypothesis. = Az eredmények a hipotézist igazolják.

igazol jelentese magyarul

igazol angolul

igazol jelentése kifejezésekben

• to account for sg, to bear record to sg, to bear testimony to sg
• establish an alibi, to establish an alibi, to prove an alibi
• to witness
• to authenticate
• admitted, authenticated, certified, justified
• corroborative, corroboratory, justificatory, vindicative
• acknowledgement, authentication, certificate, certification, confirmation, corroboration, demonstration, excuse, justification, legitimation, making of an excuse, offering of an excuse, proving, substantiation, verification, voucher, warrant
• validly
• capable of proof, defensible, explainable, justifiable, supportable, verifiable
• clearance, pass, ticket, warrant
• unjustified
• identity check
• document in proof
• corroborator
• certified cheque
• to give a good account of oneself, to prove one's identity
• credentials
• corroborator
• to require documentation, to require identification
• certified transfers
• to certify to sg