
Belief is powerful stuff. = A hit nagy dolog.

hit jelentese magyarul

hit angolul

hit jelentése kifejezésekben

• vampirism
• voodooism
• voodooism
• credence, credit, supplies, tick, trust
• sworn
• as I am an honest man
• neologist
• to be of the same communion, to belong to the same communion
• confession, credo, creed, faith, profession, profession of faith
• contemptibility, despicability, meanness, perfidy, rascality, vileness, worthlessness
• apologetics
• disbelief, incredulity, infidelity, irreligion, irreligiosity, irreligiousness, unbelief
• to buy on tick
• normalized
• brethren
• low fellow
• hound, polecat, rascal
• vilely
• legal document
• to fall into discredit
• my wedded wife