
The mayor decided that citizens could let their dogs off the leash in the park. = A polgármester úgy határozott, hogy a polgárok leengedhetik a kutyáikat pórázról a parkban.

határoz jelentese magyarul

határoz angolul

határoz jelentése kifejezésekben

• to redefine
• deliverance, order, regulation, resolution, resolve
• adverbial
• definiteness, firmness, grit, positiveness, robustness, spiritedness, steadiness, stoutness, sturdiness
• debility of purpose, hesitation, indecision, irresolution, obscureness, vagueness, wobbliness
• to pass
• definite article
• indecisive
• indefinite article
• definite integral
• to assert sg boldly
• he is decidedly the best
• esprit-fort
• ablative case
• presented to the congress for action
• determinative
• to allocate, to appoint, to assign, to define, to determine, to lay down, to peg down, to pitch, to stipulate
• assay, definition, determination
• what line is he going to take?
• allotted, determinate, limited, stipulated
• definable, determinable