
• jogi hatáskör: sphere of action, jurisdiction
• szakmai hatáskör: competence, competency
• jelenség (fizikai, nyelvi) hatásköre: scope
This question is not my competence. = Ez a kérdés nem tartozik hatáskörömbe.

hatáskör jelentése kifejezésekben

• sphere of action
• beyond one's range
• to come under
• to fall within sy's cognizance
• in my sphere of action
• to go beyond one's power
• in my sphere of action
• to remit
• to go beyond sy's cognizance
• to be off one's beat
• under the cognizance of a court, within the cognizance of a court
• it's off my beat altogether
• to go beyond sy's cognizance
• jurisdiction of an exceptional court
• to fall within sy's cognisance, to fall within sy's cognizance