
• bite, snap
Snakes bite. = A kígyó harap.

harap jelentése kifejezésekben

• the fish bites
• have a bit of sg
• to bite the dust, to bite the ground, to kiss the dust, to lick the dust
• to bite hard
• bite, nibble, snack
• acrimonious, biter, cantankerous, criss-cross, snapping, snappish, snappy, vicious
• to nibble
• pincers, pinchers, pliers
• catamaran
• to nibble at sg
• snapper, snappy person
• snapper
• morsel
• ornery
• to bite one's lips
• to champ
• to be as cross as a bear with a sore head, to be as cross as two sticks, to be cross as a bear
• to bite off, to nibble, to snap off
• to snap at
• to bite through
• to bite, bit, bitten