
• oh!, o!


• fat, grease
• disznóé: leaf-lard
Sally has enough of her fat. = Sally-nek elege van a hájaiból.

haj jelentese magyarul

haj angolul

haj jelentése kifejezésekben

• fine head of hair
• long on hair short on brain
• to actuate, to book, to chase, to cook, to drift, to drive, drove, driven, to floor, to fold, to gun for, to impel, to propel, to punch, to push, to push on, to rattle, to ride, rode, ridden, to rush, to send, sent, to spank, to tear ass, to tool along, to tool down
• bent, leaning
• to bowl, to bung, to cast, cast, to dart, to fling, flung, to heave, to heave, hove, to hurl, to launch, to pitch, to project, to send, sent, to shy, to sling, slung, to throw, threw, thrown, to toss
• to shampoo one's hair
• bow, fore, head
• bow
• scalp
• to make a prize of a ship, to make prize of a ship
• shakedown cruise
• to heave the ship ahead
• to do one's hair
• to deaden a ship's way
• backwash
• surface mail
• sheer
• bilge
• to heave a ship astern
• long tom
• to tool