
• időben: wartime
• hadi dicsőség: military glory, distinguished war service
• hadi fegyelem: military discipline
• hadi felkészültség: state of military preparedness
• hadi kitüntetés: decoration, war decoration, honours of war
• hadi szolgálatban: in the field
Mobility is the key to military success. = A mozgékonyság a hadi siker titka.

hadi jelentese magyarul

hadi angolul

hadi jelentése kifejezésekben

• white ensign
• warpath
• military cross
• military preparedness
• armament
• conscription
• martial law
• man-of-war, men-of-war, naval vessel, warship
• armaments industry
• indemnity
• defense plant
• munition of war, munitions of war, war material, war outfit
• council of war, court-martial, courtmartial
• war machine
• war loan
• man crippled in the war
• command post
• war correspondent
• loot, prize, trophy
• munition-factory, ordnance factory
• on a war footing