
• lószerszám: harness, halter, traces
• hajó: becket
• emberi testen: scarfskin, epithelium, epithelial
• bőré: cuticle, epidermis
• hámba fog: harness, harness a horse
• hám alatti: endermic
• többrétegű hám: stratified epithelium
They have their harnesses. = Rajtuk van a hám.

hám jelentése kifejezésekben

• to hull, to peel
• line leather
• to exfoliate, to flake, to flake away, to flake off, to grow bare, to peel, to peel off, to slough, to spal
• pitting
• paring
• peeled
• slough
• exfoliation
• boiled-off
• exfoliation
• cuticle, outer skin, peel
• cuticular
• to shell
• to flake, to hull, to husk, to pare, to strip
• sling
• to exfoliate, to flake, to flake away, to flake off, to peel, to peel off, to scale off, to spal
• exfoliation, scaling
• to pare, to peel
• scaling
• scaling, shelling, stripping
• chiseler, cole, con man, confidence crook, confidence man, fake, fraud, gouge, hawk, humbug, hustler, mountebank, rogue, rooky, sharper, swindler, trickster