
• behurcolt gyomok: introduced weeds
• szántóföldi gyom: segetal weed
• nem szántóföldi gyom: ruderal, ruderal weed
Weeds scraped against my pants. = Gyom csapódott a nadrágomnak.

gyom jelentese magyarul

gyom angolul

gyom jelentése kifejezésekben

• insides, maw, stomach, stomachic, tripes, victualling-office
• weedy
• gastric, stomachal
• extirpator, weed-killer
• weeding
• gastric juice
• heartburn
• pain in the stomach, stomach-ache
• gastritis
• gastric lavage
• gastric ulcer, stomachic ulcer
• garden running to weeds
• coat of the stomach
• to weed
• gastro-enteritis
• stomach-pump
• to weed
• food that sets up irritation
• craw
• to stub, to weed, to weed out
• fourth stomach