
• practice
• gyakorlófeladat: exercise, task
Practice makes perfect. = Gyakorlat teszi a mestert.

gyakorlat jelentese magyarul

gyakorlat angolul

gyakorlat jelentése kifejezésekben

• practice makes perfect
• judicial custom
• field-work
• professional practice
• stagecraft
• stagecraft
• gunnery drill, gunnery practice
• verb drill
• exercise warms the blood
• exercise warms the blood
• functional, practicable, practical, pragmatic, pragmatical, technical
• in practice
• businesslike, down to earth, down-to-earth, efficient, hard-headed, hardheaded, matter-of-fact, practical, realist, realistic
• inexperienced, unskilled, untrained
• in effect, in practice, practically
• to drill, to exercise
• drill, drilling
• to drill, to exercise
• practicality, pragmatism
• newness
• to be in practice