
• bead, pearl
My daughter makes beautiful bracelets from bead. = A lányom gyönyörű karkötőket készít gyöngyből.

gyöngy jelentese magyarul

gyöngy angolul

gyöngy jelentése kifejezésekben

• bead
• collar of pearls, negligee, pearl necklace, rope
• gassy, lathery, sparkling, weeping
• bead, gem
• to bead, to effervesce, to froth, to ooze, to sparkle
• weeping
• catmint, catnip
• beady, pearly
• lily of the valley
• beach-comber
• collar of pearls
• meadow-sweet, queen of the meadows
• bead, beading
• to be in clover, to live in clover
• sparkling cup
• pearly
• to bead
• pearly
• mistletoe
• pearl barley
• bead, bugle