
Her words were full of irony. = Szavai tele voltak iróniával.

gúny jelentése kifejezésekben

• shaft of ridicule, shaft of satire
• byword, derision, flouting-stock, mockery, scoff, taunt
• streak of irony
• butt for ridicule
• to become the taunt of the public
• to make mock of sy
• acrimoniousness, nip, sarcasm
• vitriol
• acrimoniousness
• attic salt
• to chip at, to flout, to jest, to jibe, to mock, to mock at sg
• biting, bland, derisive, derisory, ironic, ironical, mordant, sarky, satirical, scornful
• nickname, sobriquet
• flouter, mocker
• derisively, ironically, mockingly, scornfully, tauntingly
• cartoon
• jeer
• derisive, derisory, taunter, taunting
• to flout, to jape, to jest, to jibe, to mock, to quip, to scoff, to sport, to taunt
• to chip at sg
• sneer