
• koszorút: wreathe
• fűzből, egyéb vékony növényből: wattle, plait straw
I used to spin yarn. = Régen fontam.

fon jelentese magyarul

fon angolul

fon jelentése kifejezésekben

• to braid
• to entwine
• to wattle
• to wattle
• to wreathe a garland of flowers
• lb., lbs., plaited
• string, twist, wool, yarn
• braid, ply, rope
• fondu, fondue
• awry, perverse
• strand, thread, yarn
• forehand stroke
• pound
• perverse
• wrong-headed
• frail
• to be in a false position
• to braid, to interweave, -wove, -woven, to interwind, interwound, to plait, to splice, to twist, to weave, wove, woven, to wreathe
• fibreglass
• advised, chary, deliberate, discreet, earnest, grave, guarded, judicious, leisurely, level-headed, mature, measured, moderate, prudent, reflective, slow, sober-minded, staid, studious, uncompanionable, unhurried
• thrum