
They reserved a table for two. = Lefoglaltak egy asztalt két személyre.

foglal jelentése kifejezésekben

• to set, set
• to remount
• to seat oneself, to take a seat, to take place
• to comprehend, to comprise, to contain, to cover, to embody, to imply, to incorporate, to involve, to take in, to unite
• to engage a room, to make a reservation
• to commit to writing, to pen, to set down
• to frame
• to comprehend, to include, to purport
• to phrase, to word
• to theorize
• to register, to schedule
• to formulate
• to schedule, to tabulate
• to commit sg to paper, to commit sg to writing, to set sg down in black and white
• to ambush
• to register
• to take up much room
• to ride back
• to syllogize
• to stand up and be counted
• to chase a diamond in gold