
• jármű elé fogott állatok: team, team of horses, team of oxen
• hintó: carriage
• négyes fogat: four-in-hand, foursome
• ötös fogat: five-in-hand, coach and five
The carriage swerved. = A fogat bekanyarodott.
• madarat lehetne vele fogatni: he is beside himself with joy

fogat jelentése kifejezésekben

• to brush one's teeth, to clean one's teeth
• have a tooth out, have a tooth pulled out
• to pull a tooth, to take out a tooth
• to set one's teeth on edge
• to fill a tooth
• to be not at home
• tit for tat
• toothless
• capacity, cubic capacity, cubic content, volume
• equipage, turnout
• volumetric, volumetrical
• volumetric, volumetrical
• coach and six
• dogcart
• volumetric, volumetrical
• donkey-cart
• volumetric apparatus
• piston displacement, piston swept volume
• solid measures
• volumetric, volumetrical
• warrant of apprehension, warrant of arrest, warrant to apprehend the body