
Flood is threatening the village. = Áradás fenyegeti a falut.

fenyeget jelentese magyarul

fenyeget angolul

fenyeget jelentése kifejezésekben

• to be hanging over sy's head
• forbidding, grim, instant, louring, loury, menacing, threatening, tough
• boast, intimidation, menace, threat
• menacingly
• to be in for sg
• to look black, to look black as thunder, to lour
• imminence
• imminence
• impending
• grim look
• toughness
• to look darkly at sy
• to bully sy into doing sg
• to give sy a black look, to lour at sy, to lour upon sy
• wag one's finger at
• to bay at the moon
• assault
• to despise a threat
• to despise a threat
• to wag one's finger at sy
• aggravation