
• szokásos feltételek: the usual terms
• feltétel teljesítése: fulfilment of the condition
• feltétel nélküli megadás: unconditional surrender
• azzal a feltétellel, hogy...: on condition that..., on understanding that...
• bizonyos feltételekkel: on certain conditions
You know my conditions? = Ismeri feltételeimet?

feltétel jelentese magyarul

feltétel angolul

feltétel jelentése kifejezésekben

• inconditionally
• unconditional
• putting
• bare contract
• bare
• conditions, terms
• conditional, contingent, potential, qualified
• to assume, to presume, to put, put, to suppose, to surmise, to take, took, taken
• admittance, assumption, guess, presumption, supposition
• hypothetical, supposed
• assumable, inferential, it may be hypothesized
• to make the condition
• presumably, supposedly
• to tie up
• assuming that
• pending
• I have a shrewd idea that
• probation
• heir presumptive
• cars stop by request, request-stop
• to lay down conditions to sy