
The picture hangs on the wall. = A kép a falon lóg.

függ jelentése kifejezésekben

• to depend on, to depend on sg, to hang on, to turn on, to turn upon
• to be contingent upon sg
• it's up to him
• it rests with you
• to hang by a hair, to hang by a thread
• to be contingent upon sg
• what's that got to do with it?
• aerial, dependent, pending, subservient
• dependence, subservience, subserviency, suspension
• in abeyance
• function
• oblique case
• tag
• erect, perpendicular, plumb, sheer, upright, vertical
• indirect oration, indirect speech, oblique oration, reported speech
• floating charges
• to hang fire, to stand over
• ear
• flying scaffold, flying scaffolding
• upright joint
• vertical gradient