
• talaj: soil
• földterület: land
• föld, világ: earth, world
She is the most beautiful woman on earth. = Ő a legszebb nő a földön.

föld jelentese magyarul

föld angolul

föld jelentése kifejezésekben

• salt of the earth
• underground
• aboveground, aerial, overhead
• bunker
• bunker
• synclinal
• lean soil
• ungrateful soil
• a piece of land, a plot of land, a tract of land
• waste land, wasteland
• waste ground, waste land
• in all corners of the earth
• waste ground, waste land
• shrubbery
• as far apart as the poles, poles apart, poles asunder
• earthy
• to earth, to ground
• earthy
• under feet
• zone
• accommodation road, dirt road