
• térben: towards, toward, around, to
• térben és időben: towards, toward, around
I'll arrive around 6. = Hat óra felé érkezem.

féle jelentese magyarul

féle angolul

féle jelentése kifejezésekben

• sg in the shape of
• apprehension, awe, dismay, dread, fear, funk, willies
• awful
• mezzanine, mezzanine-floor
• through fear
• grimness
• grimness
• intrepid
• petrified with fear
• ventilation
• petrified with fear
• white with fear
• what sort of?
• all kinds of, diverse, multifarious, multitudinous, of all kinds, varied
• minnow
• hydra
• feline
• all kinds of, all sorts of, of all kinds, of all sorts
• multifariousness
• succulent
• to awe, to browbeat, -beat, -beaten, to browbeat, browbeat, browbeaten, to buffalo, to bully, to concuss, to cow, to daunt, to hector, to intimidate, to outface, to overawe, to terrify