
An old lady jumped in front of the car, so I pulled the brakes. = Egy idős hölgy a kocsi elé ugrott, így hát fékeznem kellett.

fékez jelentese magyarul

fékez angolul

fékez jelentése kifejezésekben

• to put restraint on sy
• train boy
• retro-rocket
• to pull oneself up, to pull up
• untameable
• flap
• arrester, arrestor
• to put a check on production
• to put on the brake
• to unclog
• to arrest, to pull the brake, to slack up
• to bridle, to control, to cow, to curb, to keep under, to master, to rein, to rein up, to restrain, to subdue, to tame
• to get under control
• restraint, taming
• to act as a check on sg, to put a check on sg
• brakeman, brakemen, brakesman, brakesmen
• to pull up
• to jam on the brakes
• snub
• to pull up, to pull up short, to snub
• barnacle