
• oath, vow
All witnesses have to take an oath. = Minden tanúnak esküt kell tennie.

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eskü jelentése kifejezésekben

• on oath, under oath
• to depose, to kiss the book, to swear to
• to attest
• to abjure
• forswearer
• to depose, to swear to
• to abjure
• to swear against sy
• sacramental obligation
• affidavit
• false swearing, forswearing, perjury
• homage
• iron-clad oath
• oath of allegiance
• bible-oath
• juror, juryman, jurymen, jurywoman, jurywomen
• nuptials, wedding
• inquest, jury, panel
• to make an oath, to swear an oath, to swear, sware, sworn, to swear, swore, sworn, to take an oath, to vow
• to swear, sware, sworn, to swear, swore, sworn
• gentlemen of the jury!