
• violence
• szexuális erőszak: rape
Many people fall victim of violence. = Sokan válnak erőszak áldozataivá.

erőszak jelentese magyarul

erőszak angolul

erőszak jelentése kifejezésekben

• under duress
• abuse, rape, violation
• open defiance of lawful authority
• assault on officers of the law, open defiance of lawful authority
• to force, to stretch
• bounder, browbeating, bullying, dictatorial, hairy-assed, obtrusive, outrageous, overbearing, randy, self-assertive, shrill, tough, violent
• enforced
• mightily, outrageously, violently
• shrillness, toughness
• browbeating
• ape, bucko, bully, go-getter
• ape
• non-violence
• ballyho
• have recourse to force
• coup d'état
• bossy
• to apply the screw, to lay hands on sg, to resort to force, to use force
• to abuse, to assault, to defile
• to roust out, to rout out
• forcible entry, intrusion