
• földi: strawberry, fraise
• fán: mulberry
• tejszínhabos eper vagy eper tejszínnel: strawberries and cream
Its taste like strawberries? = Íze, mint az eperé?

eper jelentése kifejezésekben

• mulberry
• queening
• bilious attack
• smelt
• smelter
• to sweep
• to book, to cook, to tool along, to tool down, to zap
• mulberry
• to proceed against sy, to process, to prosecute, to sue
• to peel, to peel off
• to floor
• to stump up for sg
• to excoriate
• repertoire, stock-in-trade
• to perfuse
• atrickle
• spalling
• white mulberry
• have sy up, to action sy, to bring a suit against sy, to bring an action against sy, to take action against sy
• to floor
• separatist