eped jelentése kifejezésekben

• to thirst after, to thirst for
• lingering, thirsting, yearning
• interior-sprung, spring-mattress
• to yearn
• languorous
• to yearn after sg, to yearn for sg
• to crack, to crackle, to flaw, to slit, to slit, slit, to split, to split, split
• sheet
• cracked, flawed
• to exfoliate
• burst, chop, crack, cranny, craze, fire-crack, fissure, flake, flaw, joint, rent, rictus, rictus, rift, rive, slit, split, spring, tear
• residual, residuary
• to consolidate
• convergence, settlement, subsidence
• split
• bursting
• residual, residuary
• cracked, wrung
• to crackle, to craze
• crack
• to precipitate