
• obedient
• dutiful
• docile
• engedelmes ló: horse that handles well
• engedelmes eszköz valaki kezében: a willing tool in somebody’s hands
I'm still your obedient dog. = Még mindig engedelmes ebetek vagyok.

engedelmes jelentése kifejezésekben

• well-mannered animal
• willing tool in sy's hands
• blindly obedient
• deferentially, dutifully, obediently, submissively
• duty, equipage, obedience, submission, submissiveness, subservience, subserviency
• to bend the neck, to comply, to obey, to submit, to toe the line, to toe the mark
• submission
• to vow obedience
• to come to heels
• to disobey
• unquestioning
• subservience, subserviency
• ship not under command
• defaulter