
• beismer, bevall: confess
I told the truth to my husband. = Elmondtam az igazságot a férjemnek.

elmond jelentese magyarul

elmond angolul

elmond jelentése kifejezésekben

• to talk of sg
• to retail
• to rehearse, to repeat
• to rephrase
• to moan
• to impart a confidence
• to gasp out
• to falter out
• to sigh
• to tell a story
• to paraphrase
• to sing-song
• to drone, to sing-song
• to singsong
• recital, relation, telling
• to tell
• untold
• inenarrable, unavowable, unnamable, unrepeatable
• incommunicably, unspeakably
• to unfold one's troubles to sy
• to unfold one's troubles to sy