
Despite her bad marks, she is considered to be intelligent. = Rossz jegyei ellenére intelligensnek tartják.

ellenére jelentese magyarul

ellenére angolul

ellenére jelentése kifejezésekben

• in contempt of sg, in the face of sg
• all the same, any the less, nevertheless, none the less, nonetheless
• all the same, even so, still
• warts and hell
• despite, in defiance of sg, in spite of
• any the less
• after all
• against the hair
• against the grain with sy
• in spite of all his faults, with all his faults
• for all his wealth
• wicked and all as he was
• in the teeth of all opposition
• in the teeth of all opposition
• wicked and all as he was
• still I shall go
• none the less